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WV DEP Oil an Gas Well Production Data


Other (Non-Commercial)

Oil and gas production data is reported to the WVDEP once per calender year, due on March 31st.

The oil and gas related data originate from the information reported to the Office of Oil and Gas at WVDEP by West Virginia oil and gas operators. The WVDEP does not guarantee their accuracy, precision, or completeness.

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Spatial Extent

"OpenStreetMap contributors"

Additional Info

Field Value
Author WVDEP
Maintainer Debb Glosser
Last Updated July 30, 2013, 17:57 (EST)
Created July 30, 2013, 17:55 (EST)
Citation Deborah Glosser, WV DEP Oil an Gas Well Production Data, 2013-07-30,
Data History Link to a website which is updated monthly.
Ecological Region Terrestrial
Netl Product no
Organization Acronym WVDEP
Spatial { "type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates": [[[[-81.665886, 37.20491], [-81.83889, 37.285503], [-82.29562, 37.66906], [-82.500206, 37.92226], [-82.646126, 38.14633], [-82.647156, 38.169437], [-82.598236, 38.368465], [-82.5866, 38.412518], [-80.667725, 40.582138], [-80.63734, 40.613983], [-80.61155, 40.620064], [-80.522, 40.637203], [-77.84241, 39.605373], [-77.77155, 39.498116], [-77.737236, 39.396194], [-77.72747, 39.317795], [-77.820045, 39.141724], [-77.83068, 39.132183], [-80.28792, 37.51115], [-80.42538, 37.434906], [-80.967896, 37.29179], [-81.22293, 37.240215], [-81.556656, 37.206352], [-81.665886, 37.20491]]]]}