{"creator_user_id": "943e605d-904d-45ce-9863-d6b1d929e802", "id": "72d2781c-95ca-4bd1-87b0-e70add86ab90", "metadata_created": "2017-11-06T10:59:18.216825", "metadata_modified": "2017-11-06T10:59:18.216825", "name": "all-the-brine-sample-measurements-collected", "notes": "The brine data web pages generated by Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) ORACLE PL/SQL scripts, represents all the brine sample data that was collected and saved to the KGS ORACLE CO2 Brine Data Database Table. This includes both full brine data sets LAB (anions, cations and misc. data) and Field measurements (PH, Conductivity, TDS, Alkalinity, etc.)", "num_resources": 0, "num_tags": 5, "package_reviewed": true, "private": false, "state": "active", "title": "All the brine sample measurements collected for the Small Scale Demonstration Project at Wellington Field - FE-0006821.", "type": "dataset", "extras": [{"key": "citation", "value": "John R. Victorine, All the brine sample measurements collected for the Small Scale Demonstration Project at Wellington Field - FE-0006821., 2017-09-26, https://edx.netl.doe.gov/dataset/all-the-brine-sample-measurements-collected"}, {"key": "netl_product", "value": "yes"}, {"key": "poc_email", "value": "David.Cercone@NETL.DOE.GOV"}, {"key": "point_of_contact", "value": "David Cercone"}, {"key": "program_or_project", "value": "Small Scale Demonstration Project at Wellington Field - FE-0006821"}], "resources": [{"id": "784e8c0a-fffd-40c0-84a5-82a191da5dd9", "package_id": "72d2781c-95ca-4bd1-87b0-e70add86ab90", "revision_id": "18791099-8974-b863-5ff9-4d7ae2c71299", "url": "http://chasm.kgs.ku.edu/ords/iqstrat.co2_brine_summary_pkg.build_top_web_page?field=Wellington", "format": "HTML", "description": "The resource web page is generated by Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) ORACLE PL/SQL scripts that displays all the brine data saved to the CO2 Brine Data Database Table. The URL address is the main web page to the Brine Data Summary Pages. The first column \u201cWell Name\u201d has URL links to the individual Wells and the brine data samples collected and saved to the CO2 Brine Data Database Table. Each individual well identifies the type of data that was collected. The First column \u201cDisplay Summary\u201d has URL links to display the actual data that was saved for each sample. For LAB measurements there are JAVA Plot Icon Buttons that will allow the user to plot the major anions & cations in a Brine Sample Plot or a Piper Diagram. The JAVA must be run on Internet Explorer (IE) or Firefox web browsers, Google Chrome does not support JAVA. The user must also have a Java JRE on their PC, which can be downloaded at java.com.", "hash": "", "position": null, "name": "http://chasm.kgs.ku.edu/ords/iqstrat.co2_brine_summary_pkg.build_top_web_page?field=Wellington", "resource_type": "link", "mimetype": null, "mimetype_inner": null, "size": null, "created": "2017-09-26T12:54:50.417106", "last_modified": "2017-09-26T12:54:50.417106", "cache_url": null, "cache_last_updated": null, "url_type": null, "state": "active", "license_type": "no-license-restriction", "folder_id": "root", "owner_org": null, "recycle_removed": false, "fgdc_metadata": false, "rating": null, "tag_string": "", "pkg_name": "all-the-brine-sample-measurements-collected", "file": "", "owner": "admin", "revision_timestamp": "September 26, 2017, 16:54:50 (EST)", "intended_use_auth": false}], "tags": [{"display_name": "Brine Data", "id": "cb07f61b-45f3-4e9d-8be9-cd66772aa79c", "name": "Brine Data", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "HTML", "id": "130e6231-6199-4c0f-9926-09c2826e5ce0", "name": "HTML", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "KGS", "id": "7288e702-6bee-45cd-99c4-576992c5592d", "name": "KGS", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Kansas Geological Survey", "id": "96aec139-b2a5-4fa2-a731-4b1c58d20a96", "name": "Kansas Geological Survey", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Mississippian Formation", "id": "ae43e995-c5f9-4cf1-98bf-5bbf7db01986", "name": "Mississippian Formation", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}], "submission_authors": []}