{"creator_user_id": "303240fc-43b5-48c2-b7f2-e6922f7de0bf", "id": "819c1701-784c-4af9-adb2-2ff67ce4f525", "maintainer": "George Hall", "maintainer_email": "george.hall@netl.doe.gov", "metadata_created": "2015-09-29T11:25:20.218448", "metadata_modified": "2015-09-29T11:25:20.218448", "name": "netl-carbon-storage-atlas-fifth-edition", "notes": "The Carbon Storage Atlas contains the following sections: (1) Introduction to CCS; (2) DOE\u2019s Carbon\r\nStorage Activities; (3) National Perspectives; (4) Large-Scale Field Projects; (5) Small-Scale Field\r\nProjects; and (6) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Site Characterization Projects. The\r\nIntroduction to CCS section is an overview of CCS. The DOE\u2019s Carbon Storage Activities section is a\r\nsummary of CCS activities including information on DOE\u2019s Carbon Capture and Storage Programs,\r\nNETL\u2019s Research and Development, DOE\u2019s Systems Analysis Activities, and DOE\u2019s Interagency and\r\nGlobal Collaborations, and Knowledge Sharing Efforts. The National Perspectives section contains\r\nmaps showing the number, location, and magnitude of CO2 stationary sources in the United States\r\nand other portions of North America, as well as the areal extent and estimated CO2 prospective\r\nstorage resource available in RCSP-evaluated geologic formations. The Large-Scale Field Projects\r\nsection provides detailed information on various aspects of the large-scale injections conducted\r\nby the RCSPs. The Small-Scale Field Projects and Site Characterization Projects sections provide\r\nsummaries of field project activities that augment the efforts of the large-scale field projects.\r\nAtlas V highlights the RCSPs\u2019 large-scale field projects. These field projects are unique and address\r\ntechnical and non-technical challenges within their respective regions. The RCSPs are a success\r\nstory in collaboration and integration of technologies in their trailblazing efforts to provide a firm\r\nfoundation for moving forward with commercial-scale carbon storage projects. For each of the\r\nRCSPs\u2019 large-scale field projects, the Atlas provides a summary of approaches taken, technologies\r\nvalidated, and lessons learned in carrying out key aspects of a CCS project: site characterization;\r\nrisk assessment, simulation and modeling, monitoring, verification, accounting and assessment;\r\nsite operations; and public outreach.\r\nCarbon dioxide geologic storage information in Atlas V was developed to provide a high-level overview\r\nof prospective storage resource across the United States and other portions of North America. Areal\r\nextents of geologic formations and CO2 storage resource presented are intended to be used as an initial\r\nassessment. This information provides CCS project developers a starting point for further investigation\r\nof the extent to which geologic CO2 storage is feasible, but is not intended as a substitute for\r\nsite-specific characterization, assessment, and testing.", "num_resources": 0, "num_tags": 11, "package_reviewed": true, "private": false, "state": "active", "title": "NETL Carbon Storage Atlas -- Fifth Edition", "type": "dataset", "extras": [{"key": "citation", "value": "Carbon Storage Atlas, Fifth Edition, USA, NETL, 2015"}, {"key": "data_history", "value": "Atlas V"}, {"key": "netl_product", "value": "yes"}, {"key": "organization_acronym", "value": "NETL"}, {"key": "poc_email", "value": "andrea.dunn@netl.doe.gov"}, {"key": "point_of_contact", "value": "Andrea Dunn"}, {"key": "program_or_project", "value": "SCC"}, {"key": "publication_date", "value": "2015-09-28"}, {"key": "spatial", "value": "{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[-65.91796875,49.724479188713005],[-65.91796875,24.686952411999155],[-127.265625,24.686952411999155],[-127.265625,49.724479188713005],[-65.91796875,49.724479188713005]]],[[[-140.44921875,70.55417853776078],[-140.44921875,51.6180165487737],[-172.6171875,51.6180165487737],[-172.6171875,70.55417853776078],[-140.44921875,70.55417853776078]]],[[[-149.94140625,25.005972656239187],[-149.94140625,15.453680224345835],[-164.35546875,15.453680224345835],[-164.35546875,25.005972656239187],[-149.94140625,25.005972656239187]]]]}"}], "groups": [{"description": "Collection of resources related to offshore carbon capture and storage (CCS) efforts. ", "display_name": "Offshore Carbon Capture and Storage", "id": "4f489960-1628-44a4-b377-7b29457370ac", "image_display_url": "https://edx.netl.doe.gov/groups/offshore-carbon-capture-and-storage/2023-03-07T23:00:23.451058.png", "name": "offshore-carbon-capture-and-storage", "title": "Offshore Carbon Capture and Storage"}], "resources": [{"id": "4f44abdf-0976-4251-8838-457c60e638ba", "package_id": "819c1701-784c-4af9-adb2-2ff67ce4f525", "revision_id": "69f2a0a8-5b4a-2578-c38d-fd7c064295aa", "url": "https://edx.netl.doe.gov/storage/f/edx/2015/09/2015-09-28T19:30:44.753Z/4f46ed10-5e67-4b10-a37c-139766a09eb0/atlas-v-2015.pdf", "format": "PDF", "description": "It\u2019s hard to overstate the value and importance of the U.S. Department of Energy\u2019s Carbon Storage Atlas as an enterprise. This fifth edition\r\nis the culmination of a decade of work led by National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) scientists and engineers with their partners\r\nto provide a new scientific and technical foundation to the important work of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS)\u2014deep\r\nreductions in greenhouse gas emissions through geological carbon storage.\r\nSince large, permeable, porous rock volumes are required for the indefinite safe and secure storage of CO2, there is no CCUS without geological\r\nstorage. In this, viable storage targets and their associated rock volumes are like any other natural resource\u2014and as such, must be mapped and\r\nquantified to provide decision makers with sufficient understanding. The Carbon Storage Atlas series began as an attempt to do several things:\r\n\u2022 Provide information to many stakeholders about what CCUS is and how it works.\r\n\u2022 Provide information to decision makers about the CO2 storage resources in their states and regions.\r\n\u2022 Establish methodologies for estimating CO2 storage resources, as well as pathways to improve those assessments.\r\nThis required a profound integration of information from private and public stakeholders, much of which was done through the Regional\r\nCarbon Sequestration Partnerships. It required NETL to build a data infrastructure to support these goals, including the National Carbon\r\nSequestration Database and Geographic Information System (NATCARB) data network, and platforms like the Energy Data eXchange (EDX)\r\nfor data sharing. It required the interaction and engagement of many government agencies, including the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)\r\nand U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as industry, non-government organizations (NGOs), and academic participation.\r\nWhen the first Atlas was published in 2007, there were only two comparable studies anywhere in the world (Alberta, Canada and Australia).\r\nThe first volume of the Carbon Storage Atlas had a profound effect on the CCUS community as well as in industry and government. Many\r\npeople, organizations, and governments quickly understood the value of this kind of information. The Energy Policy Act amendments in\r\n2009 specifically called out the need for carbon storage assessment by both the DOE and USGS. Importantly, the Carbon Storage Atlas series\r\nprompted similar efforts worldwide. These included early attempts to assess the geological storage potential of India, China, and South\r\nAfrica (as well as more refined events afterwards), as well as partnerships between the United States, Canada, and Mexico for the generation\r\nof a North American Atlas. It helped make the case to companies and countries that the characterization for CO2 storage natural resources\r\nwas a critical enterprise in a carbon-constrained world. It also led to efforts by academic and government researchers to actively improve\r\ntheir approaches to the assessments of CO2 storage resources, including the local characterization for project development as a necessary\r\nfollow-on to the high-level characterization of the Atlas work.\r\nThroughout this work, NETL has been at the forefront of this issue leading the development of new science and technology through the\r\ngeneration and refinement of the Atlas series. This volume highlights some of the specific research and development (R&D) programs past\r\nand current that feed the Atlas, ranging from data aggregation and sharing to fundamental science on CO2-rock interactions. That said, NETL\u2019s\r\ndecade-long stewardship of this mission and technical leadership of the effort has also generated important work around the country on this\r\ntopic, and has fed a national and international enterprise catalyzing important technical and political developments.\r\nAs a proponent and practitioner of CCUS as an important option for carbon management, I thank NETL and all their partners\r\nfor the excellent work on this volume and earlier volumes. Future generations of scientists, investors, policy makers, and\r\noperators will look back on this series and understand its indispensable role in creating a low carbon future.\r\nDr. S. Julio Friedmann\r\nPrincipal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Fossil Energy\r\nU.S. Department of Energy", "hash": "", "position": 0, "name": "ATLAS-V-2015.pdf", "resource_type": "file.upload", "mimetype": null, "mimetype_inner": null, "size": 44385629, "created": "2015-09-28T15:31:46.875101", "last_modified": "2015-09-28T15:31:46.875101", "cache_url": null, "cache_last_updated": null, "url_type": "upload", "state": "active", "license_type": "no-license-restriction", "folder_id": "root", "owner_org": null, "recycle_removed": false, "fgdc_metadata": false, "rating": null, "categories_json": "[]", "locations_json": "[]", "file": "", "owner": "admin", "revision_timestamp": "September 28, 2015, 19:31:46 (EST)", "intended_use_auth": false}], "tags": [{"display_name": "Atlas", "id": "87499ebd-09d0-4501-abb1-ebe3dd233136", "name": "Atlas", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "CO2", "id": "7fdee636-7568-40e8-a55e-01734e92741d", "name": "CO2", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Carbon Storage", "id": "c2a9e5b4-bd13-4c46-a5b6-2d4498686536", "name": "Carbon Storage", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Coal", "id": "34e4018f-c9d8-4b6b-93e6-ba8b9af99ee9", "name": "Coal", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Gas", "id": "4a6c6018-52ef-4644-8b8d-2823a64a1743", "name": "Gas", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "NATCARB", "id": "3702f134-a867-46bc-885d-b43cdb255a02", "name": "NATCARB", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "NETL", "id": "b1e1abb5-342c-4a0c-98b4-35b3922092c2", "name": "NETL", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Oil", "id": "d66cd502-68a7-4641-a339-cc403d0c85ea", "name": "Oil", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Saline", "id": "20ba4b78-f5be-483b-a449-dbd17507a459", "name": "Saline", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Sequestration", "id": "372a54b8-f027-4e06-87db-c693e3cf0ee7", "name": "Sequestration", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Sources", "id": "410bd6bf-58e1-4689-92ae-c7da9f218c65", "name": "Sources", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}], "submission_authors": []}