{"creator_user_id": "b36e7e81-f4f3-4a03-9d51-b5954cc278ad", "id": "017b6839-3b9d-441a-addf-9652c84cd85f", "metadata_created": "2014-06-02T20:31:38.528113", "metadata_modified": "2014-06-02T20:32:18.667520", "name": "pennsylvania-spatial-data-northwestern-ohio-shale-assessment-unit-quarter-mile-cells", "notes": "From the site: \"Cell maps for each oil and gas assessment unit were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in an assessment unit or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, dry, or the type of production of the wells located within the cell is unknown. The well information was initially retrieved from the IHS Energy Group, PI/Dwights PLUS Well Data on CD-ROM, which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary PI/Dwights PLUS Well Data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from PI/Dwights PLUS Well Data were current as of October 2001 when the cell maps were created in 2002.\"", "num_resources": 0, "num_tags": 14, "package_reviewed": true, "private": false, "state": "active", "title": "Pennsylvania Spatial Data: Northwestern Ohio Shale Assessment Unit Quarter Mile Cells", "type": "dataset", "extras": [{"key": "citation", "value": "Ben Schubert, Pennsylvania Spatial Data: Northwestern Ohio Shale Assessment Unit Quarter Mile Cells, 2014-06-02, https://edx.netl.doe.gov/dataset/pennsylvania-spatial-data-northwestern-ohio-shale-assessment-unit-quarter-mile-cells"}, {"key": "netl_product", "value": "no"}, {"key": "organization_acronym", "value": "PASDA"}, {"key": "spatial", "value": "{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[-78.46435546875,43.37311218382002],[-78.46435546875,36.40359962073253],[-85.05615234375,36.40359962073253],[-85.05615234375,43.37311218382002],[-78.46435546875,43.37311218382002]]]]}"}], "groups": [{"description": "This is a place to collect data for the Appalachian Basin Geocube project. ", "display_name": "Appalachian Basin Data Group", "id": "4016e595-e012-4e63-bdeb-3d525cf1e4b8", "image_display_url": "https://edx.netl.doe.gov/groups/appalachian-basin-data-group/2019-01-30T10:30:36.246073.png", "name": "appalachian-basin-data-group", "title": "Appalachian Basin Data Group"}], "resources": [{"id": "3a5f49e9-13ae-408b-bd92-a363179ac341", "package_id": "017b6839-3b9d-441a-addf-9652c84cd85f", "revision_id": "1ffa9987-8242-27aa-615d-3a60dfc22309", "url": "http://www.pasda.psu.edu/uci/DataSummary.aspx?dataset=1349", "format": "HTML", "description": "From the site: \"Cell maps for each oil and gas assessment unit were created by the USGS as a method for illustrating the degree of exploration, type of production, and distribution of production in an assessment unit or province. Each cell represents a quarter-mile square of the land surface, and the cells are coded to represent whether the wells included within the cell are predominantly oil-producing, gas-producing, both oil and gas-producing, dry, or the type of production of the wells located within the cell is unknown. The well information was initially retrieved from the IHS Energy Group, PI/Dwights PLUS Well Data on CD-ROM, which is a proprietary, commercial database containing information for most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Cells were developed as a graphic solution to overcome the problem of displaying proprietary PI/Dwights PLUS Well Data. No proprietary data are displayed or included in the cell maps. The data from PI/Dwights PLUS Well Data were current as of October 2001 when the cell maps were created in 2002.\"", "hash": "", "position": 0, "name": "http://www.pasda.psu.edu/uci/DataSummary.aspx?dataset=1349", "resource_type": "link", "mimetype": null, "mimetype_inner": null, "size": null, "created": "2014-06-02T16:31:57.745557", "last_modified": "2014-06-02T16:31:57.745557", "cache_url": null, "cache_last_updated": null, "url_type": null, "state": "active", "license_type": "no-license-restriction", "folder_id": "root", "owner_org": null, "recycle_removed": false, "fgdc_metadata": false, "rating": null, "tag_string": "", "pkg_name": "pennsylvania-spatial-data-northwestern-ohio-shale-assessment-unit-quarter-mile-cells", "file": "", "owner": "admin", "revision_timestamp": "September 26, 2016, 13:01:07 (EST)", "intended_use_auth": false}], "tags": [{"display_name": "Geology", "id": "b8d42824-d747-4c8e-92b6-6cf01b7b64fa", "name": "Geology", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Natural Gas", "id": "f9c31b4a-7892-44b2-b2b7-58d9c5d031f8", "name": "Natural Gas", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Oil", "id": "d66cd502-68a7-4641-a339-cc403d0c85ea", "name": "Oil", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "PASDA", "id": "1b327997-2fcb-4c5d-b4cc-4f079245a48d", "name": "PASDA", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Pennsylvania", "id": "ef876ec4-eb2b-4140-8df5-47621e3f538a", "name": "Pennsylvania", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "Resource", "id": "b797ea08-c7b1-4f68-8a4c-60be4f54fc93", "name": "Resource", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "data", "id": "212531d7-f254-4d7a-bb04-aacb0b43db88", "name": "data", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "download", "id": "3c220a14-c031-46ad-9aec-ee34551254a0", "name": "download", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "gas", "id": "5e8e6989-8875-402a-aecf-3c21a86d0d76", "name": "gas", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "geology", "id": "1b3d17bf-1c67-49ff-bcaa-dbeb8627179c", "name": "geology", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "gis", "id": "30f3b8fe-a3e9-44e2-aa1a-9641151029d7", "name": "gis", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "ohio", "id": "b543344f-7040-450c-8431-45c8f925ed05", "name": "ohio", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "oil", "id": "af39a3a5-ef0d-41c8-a03c-f66933f8ec51", "name": "oil", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}, {"display_name": "shale", "id": "91b821f6-f775-4d66-9a29-5cfd2070999a", "name": "shale", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}], "submission_authors": []}