{"authors": "pwingo,", "creator_user_id": "919c5321-5279-4bce-8abb-76fa75f5c567", "id": "d0fb641e-d16b-46f2-b0b3-7a3b186fdac8", "metadata_created": "2019-04-15T06:59:20.244446", "metadata_modified": "2021-08-05T18:26:47.686916", "name": "simpa-tool", "notes": "SIMPA (Spatially Integrated Multivariate Probabilistic Assessment) is a Python-based fuzzy logic tool designed to help assess the likelihood of fluid and/or gas migration pathways throughout the subsurface. The SIMPA tool helps users develop and apply fuzzy logic to various datasets to construct knowledge-based inferential rules that reduce uncertainty and results in a visual representation depicting the likelihood of potential fluid and/or gas migration pathways. SIMPA results can offers an understanding of the magnitude and extent of natural and anthropogenic subsurface pathways, offering insight to subsurface hazards to improve storage assessments and critical information for improving industry decisions related to the use of various CCS methods and technologies. In addition, SIMPA can offer new insights for areas with little to no data to help inform site selection and production, evaluate potential risks and hazards, and support various decision making and risk management needs. 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DisCO2ver is being developed as a central hub for all things carbon storage. Funded by the bipartisan infrastructure law (BIL). DisCO2ver will host tools, datasets, geospatial data, dashboards, search capabilities (both within and outside EDX), and virtualized tools to support users across different disciplines, backgrounds, and roles find the right resources to meet their needs within carbon storage research.\r\n\r\nThis EDX group will curate all tools published publicly from the BIL funded effort that supports DisCO2ver. As DisCO2ver grows, tools within this group will be featured within the platform. \r\nA complimentary group has been created for DisCO2ver related datasets and can be accessed here: https://edx.netl.doe.gov/group/disco2ver-datasets\r\n\r\n\r\nThe description for this group will be updated with URLs and relevant information as the DisCO2ver platform grows. 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The SIMPA tool helps users develop and apply fuzzy logic to various datasets to construct knowledge-based inferential rules that reduce uncertainty and results in a visual representation depicting the likelihood of potential fluid and/or gas migration pathways. SIMPA results can offers an understanding of the magnitude and extent of natural and anthropogenic subsurface pathways, offering insight to subsurface hazards to improve storage assessments and critical information for improving industry decisions related to the use of various CCS methods and technologies. In addition, SIMPA can offer new insights for areas with little to no data to help inform site selection and production, evaluate potential risks and hazards, and support various decision making and risk management needs. ", "doi": "10.18141", "creator_id": "919c5321-5279-4bce-8abb-76fa75f5c567", "timestamp": "2021-08-05 18:26", "product_type": null, "medium_code": null, "access_limitation": null, "released_date": null}, "submission_authors": [{"email": "patrick.wingo@netl.doe.gov", "fullname": "Patrick Wingo"}]}