{"authors": "snoripper62,", "creator_user_id": "70b27a88-a37e-48e8-bf4e-4f7590b377fe", "id": "2f781353-1073-416d-a873-4ce40449984c", "metadata_created": "2020-04-01T15:45:30.467203", "metadata_modified": "2023-09-18T11:00:59.153994", "name": "smart-carbonsafe-model2", "notes": "The modeling work for this project built upon previous work done for the CarbonSAFE Rocky Mountain Phase I. A geologic and dynamic model was built in Petrel version 2019.3 for the area of the Colorado Plateau near Price, Utah. It is located at the north end of the San Rafael Swell in a natural gas field called Drunkards Wash. The model is 61.5 km east-west and 53 km north to south with 123x106x21 cells, giving a cell dimension of 50x50 m2. The 21 layers in the Z direction are of varying thickness depending on the formation. The Carmel, the seal layer, has 3 layers and is about 200 meters thick around the injection well. The Navajo Sandstone, the principal reservoir, has 5 layers and is about 100 meters thick. The Kayenta has 5 layers and is roughly 50 meters thick and the Wingate, a secondary reservoir, has 5 layers and is 120 meters thick. The base of the model is the Chinle Formation with 3 layers and about 120 meters of thickness..", "num_resources": 0, "num_tags": 4, "package_reviewed": true, "poc_id": "3aaaf53d-26df-4db0-a5bc-4573daf41847", "private": false, "state": "active", "title": "SMART CarbonSAFE Model", "type": "dataset", "extras": [{"key": "citation", "value": "Nathan Moodie, SMART CarbonSAFE Model, 9/18/2023, https://edx.netl.doe.gov/dataset/smart-carbonsafe-model2, DOI: 10.18141/1998148"}, {"key": "geospatial", "value": "no"}, {"key": "netl_product", "value": "yes"}, {"key": "osti", "value": "yes"}, {"key": "poc_email", "value": "andrea.mcnemar@netl.doe.gov"}, {"key": "point_of_contact", "value": "Andrea McNemar"}, {"key": "program_or_project", "value": "DE-FE0029280"}, {"key": "project_number", "value": "FE0029280"}, {"key": "spatial", "value": "{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[-110.18188476562499,39.80431612840032],[-110.18188476562499,38.865374851611634],[-111.1376953125,38.865374851611634],[-111.1376953125,39.80431612840032],[-110.18188476562499,39.80431612840032]]]]}"}], "groups": [{"description": "This is a group to bring together data resources related to all open carbon storage data on EDX", "display_name": "Carbon Storage Open Database", "id": "f316636f-1bd3-4713-b2e2-308d915490de", "image_display_url": "", "name": "carbon-storage-open-database", "title": "Carbon Storage Open Database"}, {"description": "This is a space to bring together CarbonSAFE resources.\r\n\r\nThe Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative projects focus on development of geologic storage sites for the storage of 50+ million metric tons (MMT) of carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial sources. CarbonSAFE projects will improve understanding of project screening, site selection, characterization, and baseline monitoring, verification, accounting (MVA), and assessment procedures, as well as the information necessary to submit appropriate permits and design injection and monitoring strategies for commercial-scale projects. These efforts will contribute to the development of 50+ MMT storage sites in anticipation of injection by 2026.\r\nFor more information please visit: https://www.netl.doe.gov/coal/carbon-storage/storage-infrastructure/carbonsafe", "display_name": "CarbonSAFE", "id": "5038bbce-768c-48ab-b31f-40289f3b8d0f", "image_display_url": "", "name": "carbonsafe", "title": "CarbonSAFE"}, {"description": "The DisCO2ver Platform (coming soon) is a common operating platform for the next generation of CO2 data and tools access. DisCO2ver is being developed as a central hub for all things carbon storage. Funded by the bipartisan infrastructure law (BIL). DisCO2ver will host tools, datasets, geospatial data, dashboards, search capabilities (both within and outside EDX), and virtualized tools to support users across different disciplines, backgrounds, and roles find the right resources to meet their needs within carbon storage research.\r\n\r\nThis EDX group will curate all tools published publicly from the BIL funded effort that supports DisCO2ver. As DisCO2ver grows, tools within this group will be featured within the platform. \r\nA complimentary group has been created for DisCO2ver related datasets and can be accessed here: https://edx.netl.doe.gov/group/disco2ver-datasets\r\n\r\n\r\nThe description for this group will be updated with URLs and relevant information as the DisCO2ver platform grows. 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"2f781353-1073-416d-a873-4ce40449984c", "contract_nos": "FE0029280", "org_research_org": "NETL", "publication_date": "2023-09-05", "language": "English", "country": "US", "sponsor_org": "USDOE Office of Fossil Energy (FE)", "site_url": "https://edx.netl.doe.gov/dataset/smart-carbonsafe-model2", "contact_name": "snoripper62", "contact_org": "University of Utah", "contact_email": "nathan.moodie@m.cc.utah.edu", "contact_phone": "801-581-7200", "keywords": "CCS; Carbon Dioxide; Carbon Sequestration; Geologic Carbon Storage", "description": "The modeling work for this project built upon previous work done for the CarbonSAFE Rocky Mountain Phase I. A geologic and dynamic model was built in Petrel version 2019.3 for the area of the Colorado Plateau near Price, Utah. It is located at the north end of the San Rafael Swell in a natural gas field called Drunkards Wash. The model is 61.5 km east-west and 53 km north to south with 123x106x21 cells, giving a cell dimension of 50x50 m2. The 21 layers in the Z direction are of varying thickness depending on the formation. The Carmel, the seal layer, has 3 layers and is about 200 meters thick around the injection well. The Navajo Sandstone, the principal reservoir, has 5 layers and is about 100 meters thick. The Kayenta has 5 layers and is roughly 50 meters thick and the Wingate, a secondary reservoir, has 5 layers and is 120 meters thick. The base of the model is the Chinle Formation with 3 layers and about 120 meters of thickness..", "doi": "10.18141", "creator_id": "70b27a88-a37e-48e8-bf4e-4f7590b377fe", "timestamp": "2023-09-18 11:01", "product_type": null, "medium_code": null, "access_limitation": null, "released_date": null}, "submission_authors": [{"email": "nathan.moodie@m.cc.utah.edu", "fullname": "snoripper62"}]}