{"creator_user_id": "026cf5a8-4b24-4c54-9a3a-8744a4dfd5b9", "id": "46328c3f-cf82-413b-883f-23cf8bb59e17", "metadata_created": "2016-09-29T16:27:18.091487", "metadata_modified": "2016-09-29T16:27:18.091487", "name": "zero-order-trace-element-distribution-model-for-the-great-plains-coal-gasification-plant-topical-r", "notes": "The Morgantown Energy Technology Center of the US DOE is developing a series for models of environmental systems. Both zero-order and detailed models are being developed. Detailed models are based on fundamental engineering principles and the use of detailed physical and chemical property data; reliance on empirical relationships and correlations is minimized. The key advantage of detailed models is their predictive capabilities and utility in performing valid comparative analyses. An important prerequisite to the development of detailed models in the availability of representative, long-term process and environmental data. These data are needed both to develop the models as well as to validate them. Zero-order models are less rigorous and have less predictive capability than detailed models since they are based on empirical estimates and simple correlations. However, they can be developed relatively quickly and are significantly less expensive to develop and use compared to detailed models. Zero-order models are useful in identifying potential environmental or control technology problems. As such, they can help direct future research and development efforts. They can provide useful information when comprehensive data are unavailable for detailed modeling, and can be used as a screening tool to identify process alternatives which appear to warrant more detailed modeling. This report describes a zero-order trace element distribution model for the Great Plains Coal Gasification Plant located near Beulah, North Dakota. The model estimates how trace elements entering the plant in the feed coal are distributed to the plant's process and waste streams. Elements that may be introduced to the plant's waste streams from sorbents and/or catalysts (e.g., Vanadium in makeup Stretford solution) are not considered in the model. 13 refs.", "num_resources": 0, "num_tags": 1, "package_reviewed": true, "private": false, "state": "active", "title": "Zero-order trace element distribution model for the Great Plains Coal Gasification Plant: Topical report", "type": "dataset", "extras": [{"key": "citation", "value": "Thomas, W.C.; Page, G.C.; Magee, R.A. ---- Roy Long, Zero-order trace element distribution model for the Great Plains Coal Gasification Plant: Topical report, 2016-09-29, https://edx.netl.doe.gov/dataset/zero-order-trace-element-distribution-model-for-the-great-plains-coal-gasification-plant-topical-r"}, {"key": "netl_product", "value": "yes"}, {"key": "poc_email", "value": "Roy.long@netl.doe.gov"}, {"key": "point_of_contact", "value": "Roy Long"}, {"key": "program_or_project", "value": "KMD"}, {"key": "publication_date", "value": "1987-4-1"}], "groups": [{"description": "The Knowledge Management Database (KMD) is a document repository that provides links to archived oil and gas documents as well as topical reports stored in the DOE Office of Science and Technology (OSTI) library. ", "display_name": "Archived KMD", "id": "2ab9b556-7d47-4122-a179-7a93cdd80231", "image_display_url": "https://edx.netl.doe.gov/groups/archived-kmd/2020-03-08T19:03:28.358181.png", "name": "archived-kmd", "title": "Archived KMD"}], "resources": [{"id": "2e83a24b-de87-49ad-aa65-229318789cf2", "package_id": "46328c3f-cf82-413b-883f-23cf8bb59e17", "revision_id": "e937e4ef-edf6-edf9-7cc4-35bf40cfd39d", "url": "http://www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=6575094", "format": "HTML", "description": "", "hash": "", "position": null, "name": "http://www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=6575094", "resource_type": "link", "mimetype": null, "mimetype_inner": null, "size": null, "created": "2016-09-21T12:35:58", "last_modified": "2016-09-21T12:35:58", "cache_url": "http://www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=6575094", "cache_last_updated": null, "url_type": null, "state": "active", "license_type": "other-open", "folder_id": "root", "owner_org": null, "recycle_removed": false, "fgdc_metadata": false, "rating": null, "owner": "admin", "cache_url_updated": "2016-09-21T12:35:58", "ostiid": "6575094", "revision_timestamp": "September 29, 2016, 16:27:18 (EST)", "intended_use_auth": false}], "tags": [{"display_name": "kmd", "id": "a10456e0-50e7-4048-856e-db66be6501f7", "name": "kmd", "state": "active", "vocabulary_id": null}], "submission_authors": []}