
Applied Machine Learning Model Comparison: Predicting Offshore Platform Integrity with Gradient Boosting Algorithms and Neural Networks

2022-01-12T19:22:08+00:00Categories: 2021 Publications, Assessing Current and Future Infrastructure Hazards, Publications|Tags: , |

Dyer, A., Zaengle, D., Duran, R., Nelson, J., Wenzlick, M., Wingo, P., Bauer, J., Rose, K., and L. Romeo. (In Review, 2021). Applied Machine Learning Model Comparison: Predicting Offshore Platform Integrity with Gradient Boosting Algorithms and Neural Networks. Marine Structures.

Exploring the Spatial Variations of Stressors Impacting Platform Removal in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

2021-12-28T17:52:43+00:00Categories: 2021 Publications, Infrastructure and Metocean Technology, Publications|Tags: , , |

Nelson, J.R., Romeo, R., and Duran, R., 2021. “Exploring the Spatial Variations of Stressors Impacting Platform Removal in the Northern Gulf of Mexico,” Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9, no. 11: 1223.

Baseline data for spill assessments: Ambient conditions, Socioeconomic data, Sensitivity maps

2022-01-12T19:13:58+00:00Categories: 2021 Publications, Infrastructure and Metocean Technology, Publications|Tags: , , |

Romeo, L., Wingo, P., Sabbatino, M., Bauer, J. (2021). Baseline data for spill assessments: Ambient conditions, Socioeconomic data, Sensitivity maps. In O. Makarynskyy (Ed.), Marine Hydrocarbon Spill Assessment: From Baseline Information through to Decision Support Tools (1 ed.). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.

Rapid Determination of Supercritical CO2 and Brine Relative Permeability Using an Unsteady-State Flow Method

2021-12-28T19:58:19+00:00Categories: 2021 Publications, Presentations, Relative Permeability for Offshore HPHT Reservoirs|Tags: |

Moore, J., Holcomb, P., Crandall, D., King, S,.  Choi, JH., Brown, S., and Workman, S., “Rapid Determination of Supercritical CO2 and Brine Relative Permeability Using an Unsteady-State Flow Method.” Advances in Water Resources. Elsevier, May 21, 2021.

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