
Applied Machine Learning Model Comparison: Predicting Offshore Platform Integrity with Gradient Boosting Algorithms and Neural Networks

2022-01-12T19:22:08+00:00Categories: 2021 Publications, Assessing Current and Future Infrastructure Hazards, Publications|Tags: , |

Dyer, A., Zaengle, D., Duran, R., Nelson, J., Wenzlick, M., Wingo, P., Bauer, J., Rose, K., and L. Romeo. (In Review, 2021). Applied Machine Learning Model Comparison: Predicting Offshore Platform Integrity with Gradient Boosting Algorithms and Neural Networks. Marine Structures.

Exploring the Spatial Variations of Stressors Impacting Platform Removal in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

2021-12-28T17:52:43+00:00Categories: 2021 Publications, Infrastructure and Metocean Technology, Publications|Tags: , , |

Nelson, J.R., Romeo, R., and Duran, R., 2021. “Exploring the Spatial Variations of Stressors Impacting Platform Removal in the Northern Gulf of Mexico,” Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9, no. 11: 1223.

Forecasting Platform Integrity with Machine Learning & Advanced Analytics for Reuse Optimization Strategies and Risk Prevention

2021-12-27T17:40:57+00:00Categories: 2021 Presentations, Assessing Current and Future Infrastructure Hazards, Presentations|Tags: , , |

Romeo, L. , and Bauer, J., “Forecasting Platform Integrity with Machine Learning & Advanced Analytics for Reuse Optimization Strategies and Risk Prevention,” Carbon Management and Oil and Gas Research Project Review Meeting Aug. 26, 2021.

Forecasting Offshore Platform Integrity: Applying Machine Learning Algorithms to Quantify Lifespan and Mitigate Risk

2021-12-28T18:18:47+00:00Categories: 2021 Presentations, Assessing Current and Future Infrastructure Hazards, Presentations|Tags: , , |

Romeo, L., Dyer, A., Bauer, J., Barkhurst, A., Duran, R., Nelson, J., Sabbatino, M., Wenzlick, M., Wingo, P., Zaengle, D. and Rose, K. 2021. Forecasting Offshore Platform Integrity: Applying Machine Learning Algorithms to Quantify Lifespan and Mitigate Risk. Machine Learning in Oil & Gas. April 15, 2021. Virtual.

Forecasting Offshore Platform Integrity and Lifespan – Improving Safety and Reliability

2021-12-30T18:24:33+00:00Categories: 2020 Presentations, Assessing Current and Future Infrastructure Hazards, Presentations|Tags: , |

Romeo, L., Dyer, A., Zaengle, D., Nelson, J., Wenzlick, M., Duran, R., Sabbatino, M., Wingo, P., Barkhurst, A., Bauer, J., and Rose, K., “Forecasting Offshore Platform Integrity and Lifespan – Improving Safety and Reliability,” invited presentation at the ICCOPR Quarterly Meeting (virtual), December 9, 2020.

Assessing Current and Future Infrastructure Hazards: Forecasting Integrity using Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics

2021-12-28T18:28:30+00:00Categories: 2020 Presentations, Assessing Current and Future Infrastructure Hazards, Presentations|Tags: , |

Romeo, L., Dyer, A., Zaengle, D., Nelson, J., Wenzlick, M., Duran, R., Sabbatino, M., Wingo, P., Barkhurst, A., Bauer, J., and Rose, K. 2020. Assessing Current and Future Infrastructure Hazards: Forecasting Integrity using Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics. Oil and Gas Project Review Meeting. October 26, 2020. Virtual.

Rapid Design, Development and Deployment of Materials for Extreme Environments

2019-12-06T18:03:26+00:00Categories: 2017 Publications, Metals Integrity|Tags: , , , , |

Proceedings of the 2017 TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo, National Harbor, MD, May 14–17, 2017; pp. 367–370
Mollot, D.; Cedro, V.; Hawk, J. A.; Conrad, R.; Alman, D. E.; Powell, C.
May 2017

Corrosion Behavior of Ultra-high Strength Drilling Steel in Alkaline Brines Containing Hydrogen Sulfide at High Temperature

2019-12-06T18:02:57+00:00Categories: 2016 Publications, Metals Integrity|Tags: , , , , |

Paper No. 7657; NACE International Corrosion 2016 Conference and Expo; NACE: Houston, TX, 2016
Ziomek-Moroz, M.; Feng, R.; Beck, J. R.; Hall, D. M.; Wolfe, I.; Buyuksagis, A.; Lvov, S. N.
March 2016

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